“What gets measured gets done.” Someone, somewhere, at some time, said this. Or a version of this. I’m not quite sure. Either way, this is a good...
6 Reasons to Join a Peer Community
There are at least two times that my peer community saved my business. In 2013, after leaving my job to start my creative business, I found myself...
Delegation for Dummies (Like Me)
It was nearly four years before I got someone to help me with invoicing. Four long years doing something that I was terrible at, didn’t enjoy, and...
The Two “Boss Trades” Every Creative Freelancer or Entrepreneur Makes
When you’re considering launching a creative freelance or entrepreneurial career, the appeal of “being your own boss” is very real. After all,...
Business is NOT a Necessary Evil
I want to be clear to every creative reading these words: Business is NOT a necessary evil. But it IS necessary. So, follow the logic with me:...
6 Things You Should Be Doing If You’re Not in Your Dream Job (other than Side Hustling)
I’ve been there, so I get it. Here you are, doing a job you don’t love and longing to do the creative work you were made to do. Maybe you’re...
The One Not-So-Obvious Thing All Creative Workers Must Do
If you are a creative freelancer, entrepreneur, or business-owner, there’s one not-so-obvious thing you absolutely must do. No, I’m not talking...