In this article featured Total Food Service news, William shares one of the most critical things food service professionals may be missing out on:...
Blog 5 Ways to Boost Your Leadership Through Visual Communication
In this article featured on, William highlights the importance of visual communication for business leaders in navigating complex challenges...
Graphic Design USA: 3 Tips For Conquering The ‘Creative Conundrum’
In this article featured on Graphic Design USA, William discusses strategies for overcoming the "Creative's Conundrum," which is the challenge faced...
3 Simple Metrics You Need to Track
“What gets measured gets done.” Someone, somewhere, at some time, said this. Or a version of this. I’m not quite sure. Either way, this is a good...
6 Reasons to Join a Peer Community
There are at least two times that my peer community saved my business. In 2013, after leaving my job to start my creative business, I found myself...
Client Multiplication: 4 Steps to Turn One Customer into More
For a creative freelancer or entrepreneur, landing your first client matters. That’s obvious. However, what matters more is whether you can land...
The Three W’s of Promotional Clarity
One of the biggest issues creative freelancers or entrepreneurs face is that our services are often confusing. Way too confusing. Think about it:...
Delegation for Dummies (Like Me)
It was nearly four years before I got someone to help me with invoicing. Four long years doing something that I was terrible at, didn’t enjoy, and...
The Two “Boss Trades” Every Creative Freelancer or Entrepreneur Makes
When you’re considering launching a creative freelance or entrepreneurial career, the appeal of “being your own boss” is very real. After all,...
Business is NOT a Necessary Evil
I want to be clear to every creative reading these words: Business is NOT a necessary evil. But it IS necessary. So, follow the logic with me:...